
The year 2012 was epic in respect of the challenge of attempting to complete 2012 of everything. 2012 hours, minutes and seconds of swimming, cycling and running. 2012 cm, m, km, inches, feet, yards and miles of swimming cycling and running. 2012 press-ups, sit-ups, star-jumps and squat thrusts. It was a killer of a task and one that I eventually won - details of the challenge and blog posts can be found HERE.

But 2013 was far less interesting for a whole range of reasons. Nevertheless I will not give up and have signed up to complete a Half Ironman in August of 2014. In order to aid this I think I'll see if I can fit in a few more challenges. I'll be competing in Jantastic, Febulous & Marchvellous (a marathon training scheme), 5k a day in May, Proclaimathon (to run 500 miles & then 500 more in the year), Turbovember (an indoor cycling challenge throughout November) and quite possibly Runcember (to run every day in December). With so many different challenges I'll try and keep the results of them here, just on this page with comments about how I'm feeling etc on the main blog. Enjoy and feel free to comment.